Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bowling for Columbine

Bowling for Columbine is an extremely biased documentary that to be honest, I don't quite understand the point of it. The movie Bowling for Columbine has little to do with Columbine specifically and more to do with the 2nd amendment. The only reason Columbine is even in this documentary is so that the narrator can support his claim. Thus, he is using the Columbine tragedy to promote his personal anti-gun beliefs. I think that that is wrong, especially when the name of the documentary suggests that the documentary is an ode to Columbine. Furthermore, I do not understand what Lockheed Martin had to do with any of this. Sure, they are the top weapons maker in the United States, but coming from a family of Lockheed Martin employees, I suppose that I am biased on that subject. Knowing that Michael Moore's representation of Lockheed Martin's position is inaccurate, he has absolutely no credibility. In fact, in contrast to Mr. Moore's accusations, Lockheed Martin does care about other countries and they are actually currently part of the effort to fund Japan while Japan is in crisis. Anyone who knowingly publishes false information while knowing that it is incorrect should be considered unethical and they should not be listened to. Michael Moore is known for his liberalist views as well as his biases. Therefore, I don't believe that we can truly consider any of his "findings" in Bowling for Columbine accurate. Overall, Bowling for Columbine is not so much a documentary as it is a parody against all of those who are for the second amendment and the right to bear arms. Michael Moore presents himself in an unethical fashion and anyone who knows anything about the issues he is discussing realizes his mistakes. Bowling for Columbine is a non-fiction comedy made out to be a documentary.

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